Wednesday, July 23, 2008


It was not hard to move to a small town, it certainly out weighed the options we had in CA. One of the most difficult things was leaving every friend you had ever known and everything you were used to, shopping, restaurants, all convenience of living in a large town, also living where we did we could be in the mountains or at the ocean in about an hour. Really miss the sounds and smells of San Francisco. But we did move and I try not to look back because we really are happy for the most part.

Well a few things I never realised about small towns is how they are not real excepting of outsiders. Real important to everyone is who you are related to and how that relationships goes, mother side fathers side and so on. If you have a well know name it makes things much easier on you and if you have a large sum of money you can be excepted pretty fast. Seeing how we didn't have either one of those things going for us we were on our own with just a few family members.

Things do get better when you get out and work, people are a little curious about the new people. Always seemed funny to me that people would tell me where I lived when they meet me, a little scary, are the stocking me or is it just word of mouth.

Joel and I have made some very good friends, our church family is amazing. Thank goodness for them in small towns, they will always make you feel welcome and wanted in the community.
After 10 years people just get used to seeing you around and realise you are staying and they are a little more friendly. I will always be grateful we made the move, we never would have found God in CA. God is so working in the mid west. You pay so much more attention to all the things he gives on a daily basis, sunsets, sun rises, thunder and lightning storms and all the beautiful sky's he gives, I'm in constant amazement at the world he has given us


Tanya said...

I totally understand the moving to a small town. I miss the ocean and mountains also, growing up in Washington State had wonderful sights. Luckily, my husbands family was already established here. Of course, Jeff is related to half the town or they are spread to other towns. But, you are right when you say, getting a job makes a huge difference. And why can thing not be open all night. When I want a blizzard, it is always two in the morning. Love your blog, you and Joe take care. Love Tanya

Heather said...

I am so glad we moved here, too. God is absolutely amazing and you can see His hand so clearly here.


To the Moon and Back:)

Susan said...

I agree with you about a small town. We moved the kids here to have a better life and we do have a better life. We just have made it a point to be a strong family and know that God has us here for that for the time being. It is very hard to be accepted and we are o.k. with that because the only one who needs to accept us is God. Great post!!!

Carol said...

I'm so glad you are living in the same town as your daughter and granddaughters...small town and all. Even if the locals didn't accept you right away, it was nice having your own family close by. And you are right...when you move to a new town and plug into a church, the church folks become your family almost instantly. God's family is just like that!

Robin said...

Small towns can be hard to get used to because they are so close knit, but they become like family once they know you are OKAY!

Glad you are able to be close to Heather geographically!